Monday, December 13, 2010

The space between

When people think of Cancer, they think of people who are in their later years of being. Right from the beginning, I was confronted by the resounding 'You're too young' salutation. The major thing that most young adults have to deal with is a lengthy diagnosis. I'm not kidding about this. I knew that something was wrong with me but our lovely healthcare system does not have an ample support system for young people. You need an advocate on your team... and if there's none to spare: you've must use due dilligence until you get some answers.

N' that's how I'm surviving... MDB


In an instant, my world came crashing down around me and I knew that Cancer was always going to be a part of my life experience. I am angry and frustrated with that fact-- who wouldn't be? I know that most people can only ever imagine what it feels like to deal with the notion that something terrible and life-threatening has been growing inside your body for some time. I didn't put it there... I never asked for this to happen and I find that I have been having trouble with the fact that this is happening to me. Right now, I feel like my flags are kind of at half-mast... My energy comes in waves and I find myself on a bit of a roller-coaster at times.

N' that's how I'm surviving... MDB

For after all, tomorrow is another day...

Alright. So the sad-sack has left the building... I've decided that I need to stick to my guns and create create create a purpose for myself and my life. I had an amazing conversation and then I thought: "Hey... I don't think I should have said all that stuff about being depressed and feeling trapped inside my body and stuff.

N' that's how I'm surviving... MDB

The voice within

Sometimes we don't always give ourselves due credit for what we have to offer the world. People get so caught up in what they do for a living and what they own that we forget what's been given to us at birth. Although some of you may never have been confronted with your inner selves, I am here to tell you that it will happen: whether it happens sooner or later is up to you. I'm sure we have all heard stories about people's lives passing before their eyes when they have a near-death experience or are confronted with something huge that they must deal with in the present. This is only part of it. It's that pre-cursor to being able to separate oneself from our reaction to the here and now. As a silent observer, our inner self often goes unheeded; regarded as less important by our domineering powers of reasoning. But what if I told you that intuition can save your life?

I am sure that some of you may be thinking: "What is this girl talking about, intuition? Saving your life? Come on." I am here to tell you that this is no joke. I knew that there was something not quite right going on inside my body. Something was different; a little off-balance. It wasn't until I felt a bump on my neck that I had any real concern. Twelve doctors' visits and two hospitals later: I had Cancer. Yeah.... I know that isn't what most people are expecting to have but I am here to tell you that it's a fact of life and part of the human condition, I'm sorry to say.

N' that's how I'm surviving... MDB